
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I know this is already old and used up but this photo never fails to make me smile each time I see it.

: )

Dogs Catch Yawns From People

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dogs find human yawns contagious, suggesting they have a rudimentary capacity for empathy.

Although yawning is widespread in many animals, contagious yawning — a yawn triggered by seeing others yawning — has previously only been shown to occur in humans and chimpanzees.

It turns out, however, that man's best friend is highly sensitive to catching human yawns, with 72 percent of 29 dogs tested yawning after observing a person doing so.

Dog Bite Prevention Tips

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Important dog bite prevention tips:

  • Pick a dog that is good match for your home. Consult your veterinarian for details about the behavior of different breeds.
  • Socialize your pet. Gradually expose your puppy to a variety of people and other animals so it feels at ease in these situations; continue this exposure as your dog gets older.
  • Train your dog. Commands can build a bond of obedience and trust between man and dog. Avoid aggressive games like wrestling or tug-of-war with your dog.
  • Vaccinate your dog against rabies and other diseases.
  • Neuter or spay your dog. These dogs are less likely to bite.
  • Never leave a baby or small child alone with a dog.
  • Teach your child to ask a dog owner for permission before petting any dog.
  • Let a strange dog sniff you or your child before touching it, and pet it gently, avoiding the face, head and tail.
  • Never bother a dog if it is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.
  • Do not to run past a dog.
  • If a dog threatens you, remain calm. Avoid eye contact. Stand still or back away slowly until the dog leaves. If you are knocked down, curl into a ball and protect your face with your arms and fists.

If bitten, request proof of rabies vaccination from the dog owner, get the owner's name and contact information, and contact the dog's veterinarian to check vaccination records. Then immediately consult with your doctor. Clean bite wound with soup and water as soon as possible. If the attack victim is bleeding from a dog bite, immediately take them to a doctor or emergency room.

Helping Dog Rescues Through A Doggy Bag

Sunday, September 7, 2008, an online dog breed, rescue, and mixed breed dog lover gift store announced today the opening of their doggy bags to give money to dog rescues in need of funding. Beginning in September 2007, will donate 10% of all its profits from its store to a different dog rescue each month throughout the year. Each month, will choose a different non-profit dog rescue, located within the United States, in which to send their charitable donation.

"We are dog owners ourselves and know there are thousands of dogs across the nation that need help in receiving the medical care and love they deserve. Our own dogs bring joy and laughter into our family and every dog should be given the opportunity to be such a blessing to other families. It is our goal to help these organizations succeed in their objective to find warm, loving, and secure homes for these pups. No dog should go without the love of a good family just because of some terrible circumstances that were beyond their control," shares Shannon Steffen, Founder and President of

For more information on and its Dog Rescue of the Month charitable program please visit:

Things to Know About Dog Nutrition

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Dog nutrition is something that every pet owner should prioritize. But with the availability of instant dog foods, are you really giving your pets the necessary nutrition? Veterinarians advise that pet owners should make dog nutrition balanced and complete. Experts say that you can achieve this by switching from one dog food brand to another. There are important things to remember though when you are switching brands and assuring your dog's nutrition.

Here is an interesting fact that you should know about dog food. If you give your pet the same brand every month, you are actually risking his health. You are exposing your pet to potential health problems, which include malnutrition and even food poisoning.

Everyone is also familiar with the presence of additives and preservatives in most packed dog foods. The accumulation of these synthetic elements may cause harm to your pet. This build up of unnecessary chemicals can weaken the immune system of your dog and may lead to sickness and infection.

With this, one can really assume that there is no guarantee of complete and balanced dog nutrition by using packed dog foods. Manufacturers and producers may claim that their products offer the best nutritional value. But there are factors that can affect and reduce the quality of packaged dog food. For example, during the distribution and storage of dog products, certain elements like temperature changes can affect the nutrients inside the product.

Another likely cause of decreased nutritional value is the fact that manufacturers use ingredients from outside sources. Manufacturers have little control over the nutritional quality of these ingredients. There is even a possibility that dog food brands may contain excessive amounts of magnesium and calcium, which do not meet the requirements of veterinarians and dog nutritionists.

During the manufacturing stage, some of the most important vitamins and minerals weaken due to the application of heat and chemical processes. At home, most pet owners love to stock up on dog foods, which of course leads to over storage.

Switching from one dog food brand to another does not even guarantee perfect nutrition for your pet dogs. But the idea is to prevent you from exposing your dog to excessive and unwanted amounts of chemicals. Diversifying your dog's food in a monthly basis provides balance. To make sure that your dog gets complete nutrition, read the nutritional labels of the different brands. Make sure that you buy fresh dog products only.

Interactive Toys Are Good for Your Dog

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Just like people, dogs can also benefit from playing. It helps them build their coordinating skills, thinking faculties and also improves their behavior. Play will also keep them from getting bored. Yes, dogs too, can get bored... even depressed.

Spend time with your dog by playing with him whenever you can. Take him out to the park and let him run around or play fetch with him. You can also buy him some toys, preferably interactive toys which are better because these keep your dogs thinking and not just playing.

Train Your Dog At An Early Age To Take Care of Future Behavioral Problems

Thursday, July 17, 2008
The old phrase, 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks,' irritates dog owners to no end.

"That's absolutely not accurate," says Darr Houssen, who's trained many an old dog in her 27 years in the business.

Houssen, who operates Houssen's Dog Training Centre with her husband Jim in Indian Mountain, says it may take a little longer to train an adult dog, and you may have to use different methods, but they can certainly learn 'new tricks.'

Read more at "A Trained Dog Is A Happy Dog"

Importance of Dental Care for Pets

Monday, July 14, 2008
( - Just like your own dental health, pet dental care begins in the home – it’s a good idea to make sure Poochie’s pearly whites are in good shape.

Experts say that by taking a few preventative steps, you can help ensure your pet’s dental health for years to come. Brushing, chews and a good diet are all great ways to prevent periodontal disease, but further steps can and should be taken, they explain.

Dr. Johnathon Dodd, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explains the essentials for a healthy dental regimen.

“Brushing is the gold standard for dental health,” Dodd, explains. “It is the best way to clean your pet’s teeth and gums.”

Pediatric and rubber fingertip toothbrushes are great for scrubbing your cat or dog’s teeth. Pets beginning to have their teeth brushed tolerate this better than toothbrushes, and it also creates a bonding time for the pet and owner, Dodd believes.

“Pediatric or finger toothbrushes work great for pets, and ones with a triangular head are best,” says Dodd. “Brushing is the absolute best way to keep your pet’s mouth healthy.”

He says to be sure to use toothpaste specially formulated for your pet. Pet stores offer an abundance of flavored pastes that help make the experience more beneficial and flavorful. Pastes containing enzymatic ingredients or chlorhexidine are great because they serve as an antibacterial and antiseptic in the mouth.

When browsing through dental products, Dodd says it is best to look for ones with a VOHC seal of approval. The VOHC seal represents the Veterinary Oral Health Council. Products with this seal are much like products with the ADA ( American Dental Association ) seal of approval on human dental products. A list of approved products can be found at

Chew toys also help with dental health, Dodd notes, and they can physically remove tartar from the teeth. An assortment of chews and toys line the aisles of pet stores. Many have ingredients that can do more by having enzymatics and chlorhexidine within the actual chew.

When approaching your pet’s diet, many options are now on the market. Some feeds will mechanically remove tartar from teeth or inhibit the bonding of tartar.

“Hills T/D or Purina DH are some of the more popular foods on the market,” says Dodd. “Another option is to use a water additive. Aquadent is an example, and can be added to your pet’s water to help keep up with home dental health.”

Dodd also stresses the importance of annual dental cleanings. Annual cleanings not only keep your pet’s mouth clean and tartar free, but also allows a professional to view the pet’s mouth and look for problems or potential problems that may not be noticed by owners.

“Brushing is essential in the home, but annual professional cleanings are necessary as well,” explained Dodd. “It is always best to stay in the maintenance mode rather than being forced into a therapeutic situation. Prevention is key.”

Another option for pet owners is a vaccine against periodontal disease. Recently released on the market, the vaccine is an aid and not a sole preventative. The vaccine attacks the bacteria known to cause periodontitis ( inflammation of the tissues that support the teeth ) and helps prevent bone loss around the teeth. As with many vaccines, it is given once, then followed by a booster shot after three weeks, then again once every year.

“No matter what practices you employ to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy, remember that brushing is the gold standard and annual exams are recommended,” Dodd adds. “By taking the time to maintain good dental health, you avoid some serious and costly damage down the road.”

Great Dog Training Treats

Sunday, July 13, 2008

2 1/3 cups flour -- all-purpose or whole wheat
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup applesauce
1/2 cup grated cheese -- like parmesan
1 large egg
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup powdered milk -- non-fat


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix well; Roll the dough out to size of a cookie sheet; Pat the dough onto a lightly greased cookie sheet, bringing it to the edges. Using a sharp knife or a pizza cutter, cut desired sizes into dough (just score through).

If you're using as training treats, cut them into small pieces. Sprinkle a little extra cheese and garlic powder if desired on dough for flavor. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 15 minutes until golden brown. Turn off the oven and let cool for a few hours. They will keep hardening the longer you leave them. Break them apart, store tightly covered or in the freezer.

How To Buy A Purebred Puppy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shopping for and buying a purebred puppy is a lifetime commitment for the animal which you choose, by following a few simple steps you will be able to find happiness for both you and your puppy.

Steps you must follow for the best possible purebred puppy for you and your lifestyle.

Before you purchase a purebred puppy you should do some research on the breed that you are interested in to find out if the mannerisms of that particular breed is a well suited for your lifestyle. You need to realize your focus for having a dog, for instance, are you more interested in a family pet or perhaps you favor a show dog or a guard dog. Your motive for the animal is one clue that will help you in finding the best choice of breed.

It is in the best interest of your new purebred puppy and yourself to learn the mannerisms of the breed you choose, this will help you to know if the animal will fit well in your home. You must keep in mind other factors, like, the amount of room the dog will require as well as its recommended exercise and daily diet plans. In addition, you should consider the animals grooming needs as well as the factors of drooling and hair length as well as its loss. You might want to call you local rescue organization and ask what the most common reason for a particular breed of dogs display when being entered into rescue.

You can get information as well as join respected breeder’s clubs according to the potential breed of your choice in puppies. To find these parent club groups you can do an online search with Google for many different breeds as well as find parent club groups AKC breeds at Also, you can ask your family, neighbors and friends if they knowledge of anyone with the particular breed of animal of which you are interested and then make arrangements to visit with them and their pet, this is especially helpful if you have never encountered the breed that holds your interest.

Once you have spent time with the animal and decide this is indeed the breed you want, you should search for a reputable dog breeder, this will allow you the opportunity to receive the very best chance of owning a dog that is both of sound in temper and health. Since puppies, temperament is fully formed by its genetics and environment, those that are provided by both the litter’s mother and its breeder, by the time it is six weeks old.

You should contact the breeders in the parent kennel club, then take a visit through their facilities and get to know their dogs. Their animals should behave in the manner you would prefer your future dog to behave and their facilities should be spotlessly clean and odor free.

All of their animals should be free of parasites as well as clean and healthy. A good breeder is generally happy to share his information with you, concerning the screening of breeding stock for any common health problems before they breed their animals. Any reputable breeder of dogs is able to produce the proper veterinary certifications proving that the bitch and sire are both free of any serious health issues. You should always trust your instincts when shopping for a purebred puppy, if you feel like something is not right, or if the breeder is not forthcoming with all needed information, then look elsewhere for the animal you take home with you.

Once you have found a breeder that you can relate to, you will have to wait for a litter of puppies. Any good breeder will more than likely have a few requirements for individuals who wish to have one of their puppies. You will be presented with a written sales agreement that will give all the requirements and obligations for all concerned the purchasing a purebred puppy.Any reputable breeder will provide a guarantee that allows you within a few days of ownership, to return your puppy, if your veterinarian were to discover a serious health condition in your animal. Normally a good breeder will also suggest grooming equipment, diet and exercise information as well as a few books for you to read to help you take good care of your new purebred puppy.

Although it is extra work for the breeder, the best time to take you new puppy home is no earlier those nine weeks, as this will provide the puppy and its litter mates more time for socialization. When puppies are picked up to early, they are likely to suffer from anxiety and be fearful of other dogs its whole lifetime.

You should have your new puppy checked by your veterinarian within at least twenty-four hours of having picked it up from the breeder. Tick and heartworm prevention should be started as soon as possible. You will need to consider what you will feed the new puppy, such as canned pet food, dry kibble or a raw meat diet.

You should ask your veterinarian for suggestions on obedience classes for your puppy, keeping you animal in its particular age group returns the best results in their classes. You should also determine the same potential expectations for your new puppy as you would have for an older dog.

Tips for choosing the perfect purebred puppy for you and your lifestyle.

You may wish to consider adopting a purebred animal from your local rescue organization as an alternative to the purchase of a puppy. Be sure to read How to Adopt a Purebred Dog. You may be fortunate enough to find an adoptable purebred puppy in need of a home. This is always a great idea when looking for a puppy of your own.

If it is possible to visit with both parents of the purebred puppy, you will generally find that their temperament will affect their litter results, as the apple does not fall far from the tree. For instance, you may find that one of the parents show signs in their temperament that you would find annoying in an animal you own, such as being afraid of people, if so, then consider finding a different breeder.

Keep in mind that by spending a little more on a puppy to begin with will often save you a great deal of money for medical expenses, which is always a wise investment.

You should only deal with breeders of purebred dogs who are responsible dog owners and who will routinely screen every animal they encounter for their facilities as being disease free including other various conditions that may harm their breed. Although, this is no guarantee for the health of their animals, this will prove that the breeder is indeed doing his very best to ensure that any animal you take home, will be the healthiest and best choice in the puppy you choose.

If done properly it does take a good deal of effort, energy and time when choosing the perfect purebred puppy as your companion, yet it is something that you will never regret in the future.

The best purebred puppies come to those who wait, enjoy the new addition to your family.

Purebred Dogs

Friday, May 23, 2008

A purebred dog is more likely to be preferred by most people because of one thing: their predictability. And just what do we mean when we say they are predictable? Read on.


For more than 100 years, people have been breeding dogs to suit their needs. Sheep herders bred shepherd dogs to watch over their sheep. The German Shepherd dog and the rottweiler have been specifically bred as watch dogs and sometimes attack dogs. The Bichon Frise and the Pekingese as toy dogs, chosen for their beauty and their physical quality of being able to be petted on people's laps.

Purebred dogs are genetically predisposed to possess the qualities and attributes of their breed. Although the environment and the dog's training also have an impact on its behavior.

Before you choose a dog, ask for advice

As always, you should ask for a breeder or dog expert's advice on which breed of dog is best for you. He can, without any bias, decide what dog fits your lifestyle. Let's say you want to have a Siberian Husky. An expert may give his opinion whether you are capable of taking care of such a dog. A Husky is a working dog. It needs to have constant exercise. If it is just left alone in a house, especially a small house or apartment where space is a problem, a Husky can easily get bored and restless.

The Purebred Groups

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Famous for their great sniffing ability. They have unequaled stamina which makes them perfect for hunting and for looking for people.

Working Dogs

These can refer to guard dogs, rescue dogs, sled or cart dogs, and those that help people with disabilities like the seeing-eye dogs.

Sporting Dogs

They are used by hunters to retrieve game. These dogs need plenty of exercise.

Non-sporting Dogs

They are breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club which doesn't fall under any of the other dog groups.

Toy Dogs

The smalled of all the breeds, they are chosen for their cuteness and size. Great for people with small living space.


They are bred for sniffing out burrowing animals and vermins. They are usually very active and very feisty.

Herding Dogs

They are bred for their ability to herd sheep and cattle. These dogs love exercise and need to live in a place where they can run and explore.

Choosing A Dog From The Shelter

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Perhaps you have decided to adopt a dog. Good for you! You'll be giving a dog another chance to have a home.

There are many animal shelters you can go to but it is better if you can find one where there's an adoption counselor or expert you can talk to. It is important that someone can gauge your own capabilities as a dog owner and also to help you find the appropriate dog.

Here are a few questions you must answer before you decide to adopt a new companion.

How old is the dog?
Although there may also be puppies in the shelter, you must determine the age of your potential choice. You can still get a pup but bear in mind that you still have to train them. An older dog would be best if you have no time to do anymore trainings.

What is the dog's emotional aspect?
Is he shy or assertive? Can he be left alone for a considerable period of time or does he always need human companionship? You must keep this in mind especially if you will be out of the house often.

Will the dog be safe around children?
If there are kids in the house, get only a dog that the adoption counselor certifies as kids-friendly. Find a dog who prefers to be petted or touched even by small hands.

Just like people, every dog deserves a second chance. And more importantly, every dog deserves to have a family. So before you pick up a puppy from a breeder, why not visit a shelter nearby. You may never know that the best friend you've been looking for is just waiting for you in one little corner of a kennel.

Choosing A Dog

Saturday, May 10, 2008

So you want a dog? There are plenty of reasons why you want one: companion, someone to watch over your house or a playmate for your kids. Whatever your reason is, you should take much consideration the factors that are important in choosing a canine friend.

Purebreed or Mixed Breed

All dogs generally fall under these two categories. People prefer a purebreed because of its predictability. These dogs have been specifically bred to look like and act or behave in the exact manner as expected from their breed. So dogs like Huskies are bred to pull sleds, German Shepherds as working dogs, Shih Tzus as toy dogs and so on.

Mixed breeds (or mongrels) can also be predictable if you know their parents. These dogs, as the name implies, is a mixture of various breeds. They are also most often healthier than purebreeds as they seldom acquire hereditary problems from their parents.

Puppy or Adult

Although puppies are cuter, it is generally harder to take care of them as they need lots of attention and training. And a puppy that's not well-taken cared of or trained can grow up to be a problematic dog.

If you are going to train your dog to do specific tasks, it is best to get a puppy.

Adult dogs is often a better choice especially for first time dog owners. More importantly if these dogs are already trained. Even old dogs can still become great companions.

Male or female

Are you planning to become a breeder? If yes, then get a bitch (female dog). There are people who claim that bitches are more caring to their owners and they are easier to train. This is up for debate though.

But if you are not going to be a breeder, consider having your dog neutered or spayed. There are so many unwanted puppies because their owners can't take care of them or find a better home for them.

So before you choose the dog you want, take the above considerations to heart. If you're still undecided, consult a professional breeder to help you decide what kind of dog will be the best companion for you.

How to Get Rid of Fleas Using Vinegar

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are you tired of using conventional and commercial flea treatments simply because they don't seem to work? Well, there is something else that you can use that have been proven effective by a lot of people. And the best thing about it is you can easily find it in the kitchen.

Here is how you can make use of vinegar to get those fleas away from your dog.

1. Mix one part apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with one part water.

2. Wet a clean piece of cloth or fill a sprayer with this mixture.

3. Apply the vinegar on your dog's coat. Make sure to cover his whole body at the same time avoiding the eyes as these can easily be irritated.

4. Do not wash it off.

5. Do it every two days until there are no more signs of fleas.

You can also put a few drops of vinegar in your dog's drinking water. Don't worry. The vinegar's taste is easily diluted and most dogs don't find the taste repulsive. What the vinegar does is it makes the skin too acidic for fleas to live and feed on.

Garlic Dog Recipe II

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Garlic Mighty Meatballs

1 clove garlic, minced
1 pound ground beef
2 cups dry kibble
1/4 cup wheat germ oil
1/4 cup honey

Put the kibble in the food processor and grind finely. Mix all the ingredients and form into balls (size depends upon your or your dog's preference). Store in the freezer.

Garlic Dog Recipes

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Garlic is a natural, alternative and effective remedy to keep those nasty fleas away. You can easily include it into your dog's diet with these simple but tasty recipes:

Garlic Cheese Shapes

1 to 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups grated cheese (cheddar is prefered)
1/2 stick margarine

Make a cream out of the cheese and margarine then add the garlic. Add flour and mix everything thoroughly at the same time pouring milk into your desired consistency. Form into a ball. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Afterwards, roll it flat on the table and cut into desired shapes. Baked for 15 minutes at 375 degrees.

Doggy Donuts

1 clove of garlic, chopped into fine pieces
2 cups wheat flour
3 tablespoons oatmeal
1 egg, beaten
2/3 cup beef broth

Combine flour, egg and broth in a bowl until it forms a dough. Mix well. Blend the oatmeal and garlic. Roll the dough flat with a 1/2-inch thickness. Cut with a donut cutter. Arrange the donuts in a baking dish and cook for 10 minutes. Make sure it is cool enough when you serve it to your dog.

Garlic Chicken Cake Delight

1 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 chicken bouillon cube
2 eggs
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
2 cups wheat germ
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups water
garlic-flavored vegetable oil spray

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. With a bowl of warm water, dissolve the entire bouillon cube. Mix the remaining ingredients. Spray two cake pans with the garlic-flavored vegetable oil and sprinkle with a little flour. Bake for about 50 minutes. After it's done, turn it upside down on a plate and let it cool.

How The Neem Oil Saved A Dog From Fleas

I found this nice and informational story about the Neem Tree and the Neem Oil from Pet Shed.

The Story of the Wonder Tree

My name is Kari. People call me The Wonder Tree. It’s probably because of the neem oil they get from me. I just let them think whatever they want for what matters most is that Jojo thinks
I am, indeed, wonderful.

I am a Neem tree. As I stand 20 meters high, the whole village and nearby fields are all within my sight. And because I am big and tall I became a living playground. Children play in my arms and hide behind my leaves, spying at lovers meeting under my shade. As for the lovers? They take solace at the thought that I can keep their secrets.

There are people who come for my leaves and barks to make into solutions for their ailments. They say I cure them because the oil they get from me is a very good antipyretic, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Now those are really big words for a simple tree, but they do make me feel special.

I like all the attention they give me, but to be honest, there’s only one whose visits I always look forward to. Even when I’m napping, all my senses light up when I hear the sweetest bark in the whole wide world. My leaves rustle, then the birds resting on my leafy crown, sensing my excitement, sing a melodious chirp. This is how I always welcome my friend, Jojo.

I remember the first day I met him. He was playing in the fields, running here and there, pretending he’s a great hunting dog dashing after his prey. Then all of a sudden, he stopped and scratched. He was scratching furiously that his skin reddened. He went home whimpering and I knew then that he was infested with fleas.

The next day I saw him again but this time with his human. It was an old farmer. I pitied Jojo, for the little dog was still scratching and biting at his coat. The man reached for my drupes, peeled free the seeds and said to Jojo, "I’ll make an oil out of these neem seeds. It will keep
those fleas away and heal your sores."
He patted Jojo on his head and off they went home.

The days went by, more people came and took parts of me that they needed. They kept praising how useful I was. They told stories of how I cured their wounds, cleared off their rashes, kept away mosquitoes, lice, ticks and flies. There was even a man who kept showing off his pearly white teeth and claiming my twigs made them perfect. I blushed from all these praises. But all this time, I kept wondering how Jojo is faring.

Then on a bright noon, Jojo came back barking happily. He was running like the wind, as they often say, with his golden coat flowing so smoothly. There was no sign of an itch as he was the poster boy (or dog) of a healthy canine.

I asked him if my seeds helped him with his flea problem. He barked yes and told me how the
old farmer extracted oil from those neem seeds, added it to Jojo’s regular shampoo, then bathed my friend with it. He also made a spray out of the remaining neem oil and sprayed Jojo every now and then until all fleas were gone and his sores were healed.

"You are truly wonderful," Jojo whispered and gave me a lick.

I bowed my head and embraced my friend with my shade.

Because of Jojo, along with all those other medicinal reasons, people started calling me the Village Pharmacy. The sick came to me and I healed them. The dogs that were itching, they too came to me, and I gave them comfort. Only the fleas kept their distance from Kari, the Wonder Tree.

The Greatest Flea & the Healthy Dog: 5 Preventive Measures to Get Rid of Fleas

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Introducing the first ever adventure of Fleer!

Do you know who I am? Fleer is the name and Just happen to be the greatest flea that walked the earth. Or jumped, if you want to be more technical. I am the strongest, the smartest, the highest leaper of my kind. I am so outstanding that I caught the eye of the Amazing Zorda, the great flea circus master. I stayed with his troupe for a couple of years, becoming a star in my first month. Kids and adults admired me while my fellow fleas, well, worshiped me.

All of that was just a few years ago. Let me tell you how I have fallen from grace. It all started with Jetty, a handsome dog and the healthiest I've ever laid my eyes on. I knew I was the greatest, so I confidently made a wager with my circus friends.

"You all I know I am the best there is, right? Fleer, the greatest flea of all. Now, do you guys see that dog? His owner calls him Jetty, but I call him my walking buffet. He's as healthy as a dog can get. He doesn't even scratch," I said.

"So what are you getting at, Fleer?" they asked.

I huffed and declared, "I will infest that dog like no flea had infested a dog before. I'll make him so itchy that he'll scratch and scratch and beg for me to get off. All I'm saying fellas is that big animal will bow down and concede to me, the great Fleer!"

And so they all agreed and bet with whatever valuables they had on them. It was agreed upon that I must accomplish my goal within just three days.

Off I went and leaped onto Jetty without his noticing me. I decided to encamp near his ears, just a bit above the neck. His fur was pristine and his skin was spotless. I must have been the first flea he ever got.

But no sooner had I landed on the dog did I realize my task was nowhere near easy. I smelled the hint of one of the worst odors a flea can smell. Garlic! It was not coming from Jetty's breath but from his skin.

"His owner is adding garlic to this canine's meals? Wise but it's not enough to stop me," I thought.

Garlic boosts a dog's immune system, helping him fight off sickness
and infections caused by parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites. It is
also a good anti-parasitic treatment, effectively warding off pests.

I held my breath and took a bite. I felt triumphant at the first taste of this dog's blood. Soon he will be scratching, biting and moving heaven and earth just to get rid of me. Fleer, the greatest flea of all, has done it again.

Or so I thought. There was a distinct taste from his skin that was familiarly unpleasant. It's Brewer's yeast! His master must have combed him with it. I tried to ignore the taste but it was too strong. I let go, caught my breath and waited till the taste of Brewer's Yeast was gone from my tongue.

Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins that are good for a dog's
metabolism. In powedered form it can be sprinkled on his food.
Brewer's yeast is a natural flea and tick repellent. It has thiamine
that also keeps mosquitoes away.

For the first time in my life the thought of failure came to my mind. This Jetty, this happy and lively dog, was surely the healthiest dog I've known. There was no doubt he was being fed a very good diet. His meals were fully nutritional.

A good homemade diet is rich in sulfur. Sulfur is an essential
component of all living cells. It plays an active role in the transfer
of oxygen between cells.

So I decided to give it one last try. I do not accept defeat that easily. I prepped myself then took another bite. But there's another taste that repelled me. It was sour and acidic. Vinegar! I let go again for the final time.

A few drops of vinegar on a bowl of drinking water will make a dog's
skin acidic, which fleas hate. Its distinct smell also wards off ticks,
mosquitoes and other pests. Vinegar maintains the shine on a dog's
coat .

"I can't do it. This dog is too healthy even for me. I've got to get off him or I will die."

At the first chance I got, I jumped off Jetty and landed on a grass of leaf. I was barely alive. I conceded defeat and lost my stature among my fellow fleas. Fleer, the greatest flea of all, was defeated by Jetty, the healthiest dog.

You can also supplement your dog with Omega-3 fatty acids. It will
help build his immune system and maintain the general well-being
of his heart, skin and fur. One good side effect is it will make him
less tasty for fleas.