Vegetarian Dog Food

Sunday, January 25, 2009
I am quite surprised that there is an increase in the demand for vegetarian dog food. I've read about it in the newspaper and it wasn't surprising to know that most of these dog owners are vegetarians themselves.

So is it good to make our pets adapt to our own eating lifestyle?

While I am not so sure about that, all I know is that dogs have always been carnivores and I think that a vegetarian diet wouldn't be good for their health. Feeding them vegetables every now and then is a good idea, but to make them eat veggies all the time, that's a completely different story.

Let dogs be dogs and let us human, be humans stick to what we want to eat.

Michael Vick Chew Toy

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I am completely against the maltreatment of dogs or any other animals for that matter but I am also kinda sad for what happened to Michael Vick. He's a great athlete. I think he just got into the wrong group of people who influenced him into the dog racing sport, the kind that abuses dogs.

But I have to say, this picture is still irony at its best.

Kate and Gin

Friday, January 9, 2009
This is Kate and Gin, my favorite Canine Freestyle performers. Whatever that means.
