Dogs Catch Yawns From People

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dogs find human yawns contagious, suggesting they have a rudimentary capacity for empathy.

Although yawning is widespread in many animals, contagious yawning — a yawn triggered by seeing others yawning — has previously only been shown to occur in humans and chimpanzees.

It turns out, however, that man's best friend is highly sensitive to catching human yawns, with 72 percent of 29 dogs tested yawning after observing a person doing so.


Anonymous said...

Great, now I'm gona be watching boome rand Rusty every time yawn to see if they do to.

Nhil said...

Will also do the same, let me see if Landi will also yawn hehe...

By the way. I tagged you with a meme.

Keep up the good work!

The Furry Kids said...

That picture is making me yawn. :)

Gem said...

This is new to me. I guess I'll have to try this with a friendly dog and see if he catches my big yawn! =)