A purebred dog is more likely to be preferred by most people because of one thing: their predictability. And just what do we mean when we say they are predictable? Read on.
For more than 100 years, people have been breeding dogs to suit their needs. Sheep herders bred shepherd dogs to watch over their sheep. The German Shepherd dog and the rottweiler have been specifically bred as watch dogs and sometimes attack dogs. The Bichon Frise and the Pekingese as toy dogs, chosen for their beauty and their physical quality of being able to be petted on people's laps.
Purebred dogs are genetically predisposed to possess the qualities and attributes of their breed. Although the environment and the dog's training also have an impact on its behavior.
Before you choose a dog, ask for advice
As always, you should ask for a breeder or dog expert's advice on which breed of dog is best for you. He can, without any bias, decide what dog fits your lifestyle. Let's say you want to have a Siberian Husky. An expert may give his opinion whether you are capable of taking care of such a dog. A Husky is a working dog. It needs to have constant exercise. If it is just left alone in a house, especially a small house or apartment where space is a problem, a Husky can easily get bored and restless.

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