Garlic Dog Recipe II

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Garlic Mighty Meatballs

1 clove garlic, minced
1 pound ground beef
2 cups dry kibble
1/4 cup wheat germ oil
1/4 cup honey

Put the kibble in the food processor and grind finely. Mix all the ingredients and form into balls (size depends upon your or your dog's preference). Store in the freezer.

Garlic Dog Recipes

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Garlic is a natural, alternative and effective remedy to keep those nasty fleas away. You can easily include it into your dog's diet with these simple but tasty recipes:

Garlic Cheese Shapes

1 to 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups grated cheese (cheddar is prefered)
1/2 stick margarine

Make a cream out of the cheese and margarine then add the garlic. Add flour and mix everything thoroughly at the same time pouring milk into your desired consistency. Form into a ball. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Afterwards, roll it flat on the table and cut into desired shapes. Baked for 15 minutes at 375 degrees.

Doggy Donuts

1 clove of garlic, chopped into fine pieces
2 cups wheat flour
3 tablespoons oatmeal
1 egg, beaten
2/3 cup beef broth

Combine flour, egg and broth in a bowl until it forms a dough. Mix well. Blend the oatmeal and garlic. Roll the dough flat with a 1/2-inch thickness. Cut with a donut cutter. Arrange the donuts in a baking dish and cook for 10 minutes. Make sure it is cool enough when you serve it to your dog.

Garlic Chicken Cake Delight

1 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 chicken bouillon cube
2 eggs
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
2 cups wheat germ
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups water
garlic-flavored vegetable oil spray

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. With a bowl of warm water, dissolve the entire bouillon cube. Mix the remaining ingredients. Spray two cake pans with the garlic-flavored vegetable oil and sprinkle with a little flour. Bake for about 50 minutes. After it's done, turn it upside down on a plate and let it cool.

How The Neem Oil Saved A Dog From Fleas

I found this nice and informational story about the Neem Tree and the Neem Oil from Pet Shed.

The Story of the Wonder Tree

My name is Kari. People call me The Wonder Tree. It’s probably because of the neem oil they get from me. I just let them think whatever they want for what matters most is that Jojo thinks
I am, indeed, wonderful.

I am a Neem tree. As I stand 20 meters high, the whole village and nearby fields are all within my sight. And because I am big and tall I became a living playground. Children play in my arms and hide behind my leaves, spying at lovers meeting under my shade. As for the lovers? They take solace at the thought that I can keep their secrets.

There are people who come for my leaves and barks to make into solutions for their ailments. They say I cure them because the oil they get from me is a very good antipyretic, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Now those are really big words for a simple tree, but they do make me feel special.

I like all the attention they give me, but to be honest, there’s only one whose visits I always look forward to. Even when I’m napping, all my senses light up when I hear the sweetest bark in the whole wide world. My leaves rustle, then the birds resting on my leafy crown, sensing my excitement, sing a melodious chirp. This is how I always welcome my friend, Jojo.

I remember the first day I met him. He was playing in the fields, running here and there, pretending he’s a great hunting dog dashing after his prey. Then all of a sudden, he stopped and scratched. He was scratching furiously that his skin reddened. He went home whimpering and I knew then that he was infested with fleas.

The next day I saw him again but this time with his human. It was an old farmer. I pitied Jojo, for the little dog was still scratching and biting at his coat. The man reached for my drupes, peeled free the seeds and said to Jojo, "I’ll make an oil out of these neem seeds. It will keep
those fleas away and heal your sores."
He patted Jojo on his head and off they went home.

The days went by, more people came and took parts of me that they needed. They kept praising how useful I was. They told stories of how I cured their wounds, cleared off their rashes, kept away mosquitoes, lice, ticks and flies. There was even a man who kept showing off his pearly white teeth and claiming my twigs made them perfect. I blushed from all these praises. But all this time, I kept wondering how Jojo is faring.

Then on a bright noon, Jojo came back barking happily. He was running like the wind, as they often say, with his golden coat flowing so smoothly. There was no sign of an itch as he was the poster boy (or dog) of a healthy canine.

I asked him if my seeds helped him with his flea problem. He barked yes and told me how the
old farmer extracted oil from those neem seeds, added it to Jojo’s regular shampoo, then bathed my friend with it. He also made a spray out of the remaining neem oil and sprayed Jojo every now and then until all fleas were gone and his sores were healed.

"You are truly wonderful," Jojo whispered and gave me a lick.

I bowed my head and embraced my friend with my shade.

Because of Jojo, along with all those other medicinal reasons, people started calling me the Village Pharmacy. The sick came to me and I healed them. The dogs that were itching, they too came to me, and I gave them comfort. Only the fleas kept their distance from Kari, the Wonder Tree.

The Greatest Flea & the Healthy Dog: 5 Preventive Measures to Get Rid of Fleas

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Introducing the first ever adventure of Fleer!

Do you know who I am? Fleer is the name and Just happen to be the greatest flea that walked the earth. Or jumped, if you want to be more technical. I am the strongest, the smartest, the highest leaper of my kind. I am so outstanding that I caught the eye of the Amazing Zorda, the great flea circus master. I stayed with his troupe for a couple of years, becoming a star in my first month. Kids and adults admired me while my fellow fleas, well, worshiped me.

All of that was just a few years ago. Let me tell you how I have fallen from grace. It all started with Jetty, a handsome dog and the healthiest I've ever laid my eyes on. I knew I was the greatest, so I confidently made a wager with my circus friends.

"You all I know I am the best there is, right? Fleer, the greatest flea of all. Now, do you guys see that dog? His owner calls him Jetty, but I call him my walking buffet. He's as healthy as a dog can get. He doesn't even scratch," I said.

"So what are you getting at, Fleer?" they asked.

I huffed and declared, "I will infest that dog like no flea had infested a dog before. I'll make him so itchy that he'll scratch and scratch and beg for me to get off. All I'm saying fellas is that big animal will bow down and concede to me, the great Fleer!"

And so they all agreed and bet with whatever valuables they had on them. It was agreed upon that I must accomplish my goal within just three days.

Off I went and leaped onto Jetty without his noticing me. I decided to encamp near his ears, just a bit above the neck. His fur was pristine and his skin was spotless. I must have been the first flea he ever got.

But no sooner had I landed on the dog did I realize my task was nowhere near easy. I smelled the hint of one of the worst odors a flea can smell. Garlic! It was not coming from Jetty's breath but from his skin.

"His owner is adding garlic to this canine's meals? Wise but it's not enough to stop me," I thought.

Garlic boosts a dog's immune system, helping him fight off sickness
and infections caused by parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites. It is
also a good anti-parasitic treatment, effectively warding off pests.

I held my breath and took a bite. I felt triumphant at the first taste of this dog's blood. Soon he will be scratching, biting and moving heaven and earth just to get rid of me. Fleer, the greatest flea of all, has done it again.

Or so I thought. There was a distinct taste from his skin that was familiarly unpleasant. It's Brewer's yeast! His master must have combed him with it. I tried to ignore the taste but it was too strong. I let go, caught my breath and waited till the taste of Brewer's Yeast was gone from my tongue.

Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins that are good for a dog's
metabolism. In powedered form it can be sprinkled on his food.
Brewer's yeast is a natural flea and tick repellent. It has thiamine
that also keeps mosquitoes away.

For the first time in my life the thought of failure came to my mind. This Jetty, this happy and lively dog, was surely the healthiest dog I've known. There was no doubt he was being fed a very good diet. His meals were fully nutritional.

A good homemade diet is rich in sulfur. Sulfur is an essential
component of all living cells. It plays an active role in the transfer
of oxygen between cells.

So I decided to give it one last try. I do not accept defeat that easily. I prepped myself then took another bite. But there's another taste that repelled me. It was sour and acidic. Vinegar! I let go again for the final time.

A few drops of vinegar on a bowl of drinking water will make a dog's
skin acidic, which fleas hate. Its distinct smell also wards off ticks,
mosquitoes and other pests. Vinegar maintains the shine on a dog's
coat .

"I can't do it. This dog is too healthy even for me. I've got to get off him or I will die."

At the first chance I got, I jumped off Jetty and landed on a grass of leaf. I was barely alive. I conceded defeat and lost my stature among my fellow fleas. Fleer, the greatest flea of all, was defeated by Jetty, the healthiest dog.

You can also supplement your dog with Omega-3 fatty acids. It will
help build his immune system and maintain the general well-being
of his heart, skin and fur. One good side effect is it will make him
less tasty for fleas.